Feminist Theory Website

Feminism in Austria


Individual Feminists

Margarete Maurer

Internet Sites:

The Rosa Luxemburg Institute in Vienna, Austria can be reached here. The Insitute has information and links on Women's Studies and women's movements worldwide. There are three main areas of the site: 1) Technology Assessment and Cultural Studies of Technologies, along with Theory, History, and Social Studies of Science; 2) Women and Development; and 3) Women's Education and Feminism. The postal address is: Rosa Luxemburg Institute, Postbox 12, A-1091 Vienna, AUSTRIA.

The Austrian University System has a set of sites for women's research throughout the country. Here are the specific sites:

1. Koordinationsstelle für Frauenforschung und Frauenstudien Graz (the Coordination Site for Women's Research and Women's Studies in Graz) is directed by Barbara Hey and can be reached here.

3. Koordinationsstelle für Frauenforschung und Frauenstudien Wien (the Coordination Site for Women's Research and Women's Studies in Vienna) can be reached here.


      Here is a list of Women's Studies Groups in Austria:

      1. Feministische Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften einschließlich feministischer Pädagogik is a group discussing feminist cultural and the social sciences, including feminist pedagogy, directed by Dr. Kornelia Hauser. The mailing address is: FKSEFP, c/o Dr. Kornelia Hauser, Insitut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Geisteswissenschafliche Fakultät, Liebeneggstrasse 8, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria.
      2. Genderlink is a network for social services in Austria, directed by Dr. Erika Pircher and Dr. Elfriede Neubauer. You can email them here. The mailing address is: Genderlink, Mirabellplatz 9, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria.
      3. Österreichisches Frauenforum Feministische Theologie is the Austrian women's group for discussion feminist theology. The mailing address is: OFFT, c/o Ruth Frick-Pöder, Canisiusgasse 17/3, A-1090 Wien, Austria.
      4. Politik und Geschlecht is a forum for discussing feminism and political science. It is part of the Austrian Society for Political Science (ÖGPW), and is directed by Patrizia Winkler and Maria Rösslhumer. You can email them here. The mailing address is: Politik und Geschlecht, c/o Maria Rösslhumer, Jägerstre 12/14, A-1200 Wien, Austria.
      5. Politisches System Österreichs mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Frauenforschung is a group discussing the Austrian political system with special emphasis on women's research, directed by Dr. Claudia von Werlhof. The mailing address is: PSÖBBF, c/o Dr. Claudia von Welhof, Insitut für Politikwissenschaft, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 36, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria.
      6. The Rosa Luxemburg Institute in Vienna, Austria can be reached here. The Insitute has information and links on Women's Studies and women's movements worldwide. There are three main areas of the site: 1) Technology Assessment and Cultural Studies of Technologies, along with Theory, History, and Social Studies of Science; 2) Women and Development; and 3) Women's Education and Feminism. You can email them here. The postal address is: Rosa Luxemburg Institute, Postbox 12, A-1091 Vienna, AUSTRIA.
      7. Sektion Frauenforschung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ÖGS) is the women's studies group of the Austrian Sociological Society, directed by Dr. Edeltraud Ranftl. You can reach them here. The mailing address is: Sektion Frauenforschung der ÖGS, c/o Dr. Edeltraud Ranftl, Institut für Soziologie, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Altenberger Str. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria.
      8. Systematische Pädagogik und pädagogische Frauenforschung is a center for discussing and researching women's pedagogy, directed by Dr. Ilse Brehmer. The mailing address is: SPPF, c/o Dr. Ilse Brehmer, Institut für Erziehungs-0wissenschaften, Universität Graz, Merangasse 70, Wallgebäude, A-8010 Graz, Austria.
      9. Zentrum für Frauenforschung is the Center for Women's Research in Vienna, directed by Dr. lisbeth Trallori. The mailing address is: Zentrum für Frauenforschung, c/o Dr. Lisbeth Trallori, Jacquingasse 4/12, A-1030 Wien, Austria.
      10. The Coordination Center for Women's Studies in Vienna is actively pursuing feminist research and science politics. The Center is coordinating the feminist agendas of five Viennese Universities (including the Universities of Vienna, of Economics and Business Administration, the Technical University and the Academies of Fine Art and Applied Arts). There are cooperations also with off-campus / autonomous and international feminist networks. Services include a research counselling, organizational support for academic feminist initiatives, a national feminist databank and an excellent library of international feminist scientific journals. The Center can be reached here. The postal address is: Interuniversity Coordination Center for Women's Studies Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, AAKH Hof 7, 1090 Vienna, Austia.
      11. The Interuniversity Coordination Center for Women's Studies in Graz can be reached here. The postal address is: The Interuniversity Coordination Center for Women's Studies, Beethovenstrasse 19, 8010 Graz, Austra.
      12. The Interuniversity Coordination Center for Women's Studies in Linz can be reached here. The postal address is: The Interuniversity Coordination Center for Women's Studies, Altenbergstrasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria.


      Anderson, Harriet. Utopian Feminism: Women's Movemetns in Fin-de-Siecle Vienna. Yale Univ. Press, 1992.

      Bischof, Gunter, Anton Pelinka, and Erika Thurner, ed. Women in Austria. Transaction Pub., 1998.

      Dutter-Jonas, Martina and Ilse M. Seifried. Lesetexte ohne Rollenklischees. 1997.

      Maurer, Margarete. Anzihung und Abstossung. 1990.

      Maurer, Margarete. Fragen emanipatorischer Ausstellungs- und Museumsdidaktik: Abbau von Vorurteilen durch Ausstellungen? 1990.

      Maurer, Margarete. Women's Studies in Science, Technology and Medicine: Documentation and Bibliography.

      Maurer, Margarete, Luise Berthe-Corti, Gerda Freise, and Patricia Hynes. Forschen Frauen anders? 1997.

      Maurer, Margarete and Barbara Smetschka. Women's Studies International: Documentation and Bibliography. Rosa Luxemburg Institute:

        Vol. 2/3: Women's Studies and Women's Movement in Asia, Oceania, and Australia

        Vol. 4: Women at Work and Women's Movements in Africa

        Vol. 5/6: Women and Feminism in Latin America, Indian Women, Immigrants and "Women of Color" in USA and in Canada

        Vol. 7/8: General Bibliographies, International Addresses, Catalogue of Media

      Moser-Wagner, Gertrude and Elizabeth McGlynn. Synapsen. 1992.

      Mueller, Roswitha. Valie Export: Fragments of the Imagination. Indiana Univ. Press, 1994.

      Robertson, Ritchie and Edward Timms, ed. Gender and Politics in Austrian Fiction. Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1996.

      Seifried, Ilse M. FQ -- Das Frauenquiz. lustvolle Verirrungen im Labyrinth der Frauenfragen. 1991.

      Seifried, Ilse M. Gesucht und gefunden: Mädchenfreundlliche Kinderbücher. 1996.

      Vansant, Jacqueline. Against the Horizon: Feminism and Postwar Austrian Women Writers. Greenwood Pub. Group, 1988.

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Feminist Theory Website: Feminism in Austria
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at Virginia Tech University