Graphics: Worth a thousand words

Text Menu

Images convey scenes, underscore text, and even work against the text. A single graphic usually indicates a single anchor destination, but sometimes multiple graphics will form one graphic, as in brandchannel [5]. Both efferent sites and aesthetic works used graphics as anchors.

Graphic anchor introductions

Graphic introductions to a work which primarily uses text links can bring the few graphics into greater importance:

Graphic navigation

Graphic anchors, like icons, can provide the main mode of navigation through a piece, as 25 Ways to Close a Photograph [41]introduces character speculations by face. Graphic navigation can provide:

  • Setting: ~water ~water ~water~ [59]use a series of graphics to evoke a sensation of floating on water or of being immersed in water.
  • Elucidation/obfuscation: Lexia to Perplexia [43]and _][ad][Dressed in a Skin C.ode [44]use background images which sometimes are-- and sometimes are not--anchors to bring portions of the background to the foreground in significance, but also to provide an underlying commentary on the functions of visual language.
  • Subtle connections: Marble Springs [36] and The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot [61]use graphics as nearly silent entrances to nodes that are connected below the surface. As Odin remarks of The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot: "there is a continuous interpenetration of the foreground and the background and the text and the image. Strickland's use of graphic anchors plays a major role in that interpenetration. [104] " Marble Springs uses graphics to explore subconscious connections that the characters will not admit to.