[25] Inglis, G. Same Day Test . <http://www.bareword.com/sdt/> (aesthetic)

Text Menu

Like Six Sex Scenes [14], this work provides text anchors only as a limited choice menu at the bottom of the node. However, these anchors ask the reader to chose between actions. Choices here, unlike choose your own adventure stories, have deep ramifications on the characters--and therefore vicariously, the reader's life: go for the test or live without knowing whether you have AIDS.

Where Joe's Heartbeat in Budapest [49] highlights a reader's limited range of responses, Same Day Test provides even fewer possible responses yet does not elicit the same level of frustration. Rather, these simple choice provide emotional illiations and connections that engage the question (Do I have AIDS?).


introductory screen
Screenshot used by permission. This is not an anchor, but an icon showing the place of the action--a different paper, perhaps