[28] Joyce, M. Reach, 1999 <http://www.uiowa.edu/%7Eiareview/tirweb/

Text Menu

Stephanie Strickland notes that in Reach 'linking ceases to be a navigational option and becomes a principle of word choice.'" (Jay Bolter explains that this quote captures the spirit of this text [73])

Here the anchors are whole sentences and sentence fragments rather than a word, providing an overall connotative structure. Like Charmin' Cleary [16] and Firefly's [34] are on separate paragraphs and Firefly's on separate lines, Reach uses anchors on words, phrases, and sentences.

let me tell you a story
Screenshot used by permission. This is not an anchor, but an icon showing the place of the action--a different paper, perhaps

When readers mouse over the anchor, the text turns red, creating a dialogue between the "hot" activated text and the "cool" text. This selective animation is similar to the jarring effect of the red active link colors in In The Changing Room [8].

Screenshot used by permission. This is not an anchor, but an icon showing the place of the action--a different paper, perhaps